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Public Speaking Fear

Have You Got A Public Speaking Fear?

Fear of Public Speaking

Do you shake in your shoes at the very thought of standing up in certain situations and speaking?  If so you aren’t alone.  Fear of public speaking is the number one fear in the USA.

If you have to make a speech do you get knots in your stomach, sweaty palms, clammy skin and or rapid heartbeat?  Are you terrified that you might clam up, forget what you have to say, stutter, sweat, faint or get tongue tied?  Do you think that others will think you’re stupid or are you worried they might laugh?

Do you have to speak in front of your co-workers or office staff and the thought leaves you terrified?  Have you promised to give a best man’s speech and find yourself shaking in your boots at the very thought?  Have you joined a networking group and you are finding it difficult to sleep the night before?

It doesn’t matter whether the number of people you have to speak before is three, 30 or 300, you can still feel the same fear and anxiety.

Many people experience the ‘jitters’ or ‘butterflies’ when faced with speaking in public.  The fear usually began in childhood and has followed us throughout life. The fear will have accompanied you throughout your entire education and right into your working life.  If you don’t address the problem you will take it to the grave.

If a public speaking fear is blighting your life you can address it now and have done with it for good.  Thanks to a wonderful technique known as EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique, no one need no longer take fear of public speaking with them throughout their entire life any more.

EFT has its roots in the ancient practice of acupuncture but instead of using needles to activate the acupressure meridians, they are activated by tapping on the end meridian points.  EFT has shown great results and is beginning to be used by therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists and various medical doctors around the world.

EFT can be used to remove the fears you feel at the thought of public speaking leaving you free to improve every single time you have to speak.  You can be amazed at the difference a single tapping session can have on all performance nerves.

Emotional Freedom Technique is:

  • The Tapping Technique that has been proven to reduce anxiety in minutes
  • A method of relieving stress and allowing excellence
  • A way to re-program the mind to let go of old behaviours and accept new ones
  • A way of adopting a different attitude to your problem and getting a different result
  • A highly effective method of change

EFT started in America with Gary Craig and is now being used all over the world to help people in all situations overcome emotional problems ranging from fears and phobias, grief and pain and the terrible traumas of war.  EFT can often work when other treatments have not.

Because of the simplicity of EFT and its effectiveness it has spread quickly and  widely.  Used by professionals and lay people alike, it’s so easy and so effective that those who don’t know it or use it are missing a wonderful chance to heal mental, emotional and physical problems.

Many of those who have benefited from EFT have gone on to learn the basics by attending a one day beginners workshop which gives all the grounding needed to use EFT effectively in 70% of cases on their own issues and those of family and friends. Complex issues are best dealt with while using professional help but headaches, fears, phobias, nerves, stress and many other things can be dealt with in the moment with a basic knowledge of EFT.

EFT can be used on babies and children of all ages.  It can be used to help with children’s educations and social situations of all kinds.  It has been used to prevent bullying and for passing exams.  The uses EFT can be put to are unlimited.  EFT is 100% safe to use; as safe as soothing a loved one by patting their back to make them feel better.

Emotional Freedom Technique is becoming more and more recognized. You may have seen it used on TV with great success.  It is used in extensively in the sports arena and is taught to top sportspeople all over the world and in all sporting fields to relieve stress and boost sports performance.
EFT can also be used to:

Whatever the problem is EFT Emotional Freedom Technique can alleviate the symptoms quickly and easily thereby allowing you to gain your equilibrium and be free from negative feelings like guilt, blame, anger, depression, sadness and grief to name but a few.

Unlike hypnosis EFT is highly effective by phone and EFT therapists work over the phone helping people all over the world. Find out more about Telephone Therapy Sessions

Telephone Therapy
Telephone Therapy
For one to one sessions of EFT click here

Why not learn EFT and use it on family friends and self. To check out the next workshops see below.

Level 1 EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Training…..An introduction to EFT Workshop. Suitable for people interested in self development and also those who would like to begin to train as an EFT therapist. No prior knowledge of EFT is required to attend this course.


Level 2 EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Training….A two day therapist’s training course, which aims to take the student to a level of competency required to work with clients. This training is principally for people who would like to use EFT to work with other people. The pre-requisites for attending is a Level 1 certificate.


Level 3 EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Training…..An introduction to EFT Workshop. Suitable for people interested in self development and also those who would like to begin to train as an EFT therapist. No prior knowledge of EFT is required to attend this course.


Emotional Freedom Technique Mentoring/Supervision Workshop…..Workshops designed to help practitioners to develop more confidence in the art of delivery of EFT. There will be time to discuss difficult cases, to work on your own issues and those of others in the group. You’ll have a chance to ask and answer questions, try out new techniques and receive feedback.


EFT Monthly Practice Group – First Monday of the Month In LittlehamptonThe EFT practice group meets in Littlehampton on the first Monday of every month. Meeting with like-minded people once a month gives an enormous boost and can help people to overcome blocks and problems. EFT is an amazing healing tool.


Check out the world summit EFT Video on YouTube

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Here’s what Christine said after using EFT to overcome her Public Speaking Fear:

I wouldn’t have been able to do it without EFT.  I would go to the toilet and tap away my fear before speaking.  It’s been several weeks now and every time I get up it gets better.  It such a relief.  The EFT coupled with the techniques you taught me worked wonders.

Thanks so much

Hi Christine,

thank you for the session I felt so up afterwards and my whole self is feeling better. I’m tapping through the scripts you sent me and it’s making such a difference. I can’t understand why nobody’s heard of this.

Thanks Janice