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How To Be Confident

EFT Can Show You How To Be Confident

You can be confidentThis is an energy Universe and you are an energy being.  Confidence is an energy; confident people exude an energy or aura of confidence and those they come into contact with recognise the confident air they have about them.

The reverse is also true and every person who lacks confidence also exudes an energy but this time the energy makes the person who lacks confidence appear meek, scared, apprehensive or insecure.  Confidence, not to be mistaken for arrogance, is attractive and people gravitate to those with a confident air about them.

Some people believe that confidence is a matter of luck and some of us are born with it and some without but every child is born extremely confident.  The amount of or lack of confidence you have is due to lifestyle and beliefs all of which happened from birth onwards.

EFT can help!  When you decide what makes you lack confidence the Tapping Technique can eliminate the old fears and beliefs one by one and leave you free.  Even if you can’t put your finger on what the problem is EFT can still be used to re-align the system.

Equilibrium can be established within and confidence can increase as you tap in positive affirmations on a daily basis.  It may be easier than you ever thought possible to become confident and relaxed both in private and professionally.

The therapy offered is solution based and you will be asked what you want to achieve as a result of using  EFT.  How confident do you want to become, which areas of life do you want to be confident in.   What does the kind of confidence you want to achieve  feel like and what does it look like.  Before you can achieve anything you have to know what that something is.

The energy of confidence is all around, both within and without and all EFT will help you to do is to tap into it.  You can expect your confidence levels to increase daily, weekly and monthly until lack of confidence seems like a distant memory.

How to be Confident with EFT:

The answer is simply to tap lack of confidence out and to tap confidence in.  Used on a daily basis and before each situation that requires an increase in the feelings of confidence you will soon re-program the system to accept confidence.

When memories come up into conscious awareness a simple tapping procedure can remover the old negative energy pattern leaving you free.  As you recognise habitual  negative responses the tapping technique can be used to change them and to add a new life enhancing pattern instead.

Emotional Freedom Technique is:

  • The Tapping Technique that can increase confidence
  • A method of removing the negative charge around old memories
  • So simple that after a session or two you can use it on yourself to relieve symptoms
  • A way of programming your mind and nervous system to adopt a different attitude to your problem
  • A highly effective, easy to use and learn method of healing

One of the worst things about lack of confidence is its effect on success rates in all walks of life.  Lack of confidence often leads to an inability to prosper at work or in business.  It often leads people to settle for less when more would be preferable.  Lack of confidence stops people from achieving their dreams and EFT can help to eliminate all of that.

EFT is being used worldwide to heal a myriad of problems.  It’s all the same to EFT whether the problem is physical, mental or emotional as each problem has it’s roots in the thinking processes.  Change the thought and the belief and everything changes and EFT is probably the easiest change tool in the world at this time.

It is possible to learn the rudiments of EFT by attending a one day beginners workshop.  This will provide all the grounding needed to use EFT effectively in the majority of cases on your own issues and those of family and friends.

It will still be best to use professional help when dealing with more complex issues but the majority of aches, pains, toothaches, headaches, fears, phobias, nerves and stress can be reduced in the moment with a basic knowledge of EFT.

EFT is used extensively in sports psychology and taught to top sportspeople the world over to relieve stress and boost sports performance.  It is used by athletes in field sports and indoor sports alike and from golfers to athletes.

EFT can even be used on crying and sick babies to help babies to sleep and on pets of all sizes.  EFT is 100% safe to use; as safe as soothing a baby by patting them on the back to make them feel better.

EFT can also be used to:

Whatever the problem is EFT Emotional Freedom Technique can alleviate the symptoms quickly and easily thereby allowing you to gain your equilibrium and be free from negative feelings like guilt, blame, anger, depression, sadness and grief to name but a few.

Unlike hypnosis EFT is highly effective by phone and EFT therapists work over the phone helping people all over the world. Find out more about Telephone Therapy Sessions

Telephone Therapy
Telephone Therapy
For one to one sessions of EFT click here

Why not learn EFT and use it on family friends and self. To check out the next workshops see below.

Level 1 EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Training…..An introduction to EFT Workshop. Suitable for people interested in self development and also those who would like to begin to train as an EFT therapist. No prior knowledge of EFT is required to attend this course.


Level 2 EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Training….A two day therapist’s training course, which aims to take the student to a level of competency required to work with clients. This training is principally for people who would like to use EFT to work with other people. The pre-requisites for attending is a Level 1 certificate.


Level 3 EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Training…..An introduction to EFT Workshop. Suitable for people interested in self development and also those who would like to begin to train as an EFT therapist. No prior knowledge of EFT is required to attend this course.


Emotional Freedom Technique Mentoring/Supervision Workshop…..Workshops designed to help practitioners to develop more confidence in the art of delivery of EFT. There will be time to discuss difficult cases, to work on your own issues and those of others in the group. You’ll have a chance to ask and answer questions, try out new techniques and receive feedback.


EFT Monthly Practice Group – First Monday of the Month In LittlehamptonThe EFT practice group meets in Littlehampton on the first Monday of every month. Meeting with like-minded people once a month gives an enormous boost and can help people to overcome blocks and problems. EFT is an amazing healing tool.


Check out the world summit EFT Video on YouTube

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Here’s what Carol J said after an EFT session in Chichester:

I was a sceptic until EFT stopped my Panic Attack within minutes. It’s amazing. I can’t thank you enough.

And Marie, an EFT telephone client from Dartford in Kent:

Hi Christine,

thank you for the session I felt so up afterwards and my whole self is feeling better. I’m tapping through the scripts you sent me and it’s making such a difference. I can’t understand why nobody’s heard of this.

Thanks Janice

And Susan from County Cork in Ireland said:

Dear Christine,

“What a difference EFT is making and I did it on my husband and my dog and both worked. I might become a therapist.” Haha.

Susan O’Donnel