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EFT for Abundance

Attracting Abundance with EFT – EFT for Abundance

eft for abundance

Abundance, like happiness, and everything else, is a vibration; a resonance.  A rich man vibrates, or resonates to abundance.  In other words, he ‘feels’ rich.  A poor man feels poor.  One of the things EFT can help you to do is change your resonance, from unhappy, to happy, or from poor to wealthy.  You can use EFT for abundance and for any other good thing.

EFT can change the way you feel, thereby aligning you with the very thing you wish to attract.


  • When you think about money, what is your vibration about it?
  • When you think about your body, how are you vibrating?
  • When you think about finding the perfect partner, how are you vibrating?

EFT is a tool that enables you to change your vibrations so that you vibrate to success in any area.

Clearing blocks to success.


“Even though I’m afraid to become too successful, I deeply and completely accept and appreciate the part of me that is trying to keep me safe.”

Negative phrase: repeat on every point.  “I’m afraid of becoming successful.”

Positive phrases:

(Eyebrow) I can feel safe becoming successful…

(Side of eye) I appreciate the success I have….

(Under eye) I enjoy abundance…

(Under nose) I choose to feel safe and successful now….

(Chin Point) I choose to feel safe and successful right now…

(Collarbone) I appreciate the success I already enjoy…

(Under arm) I enjoy abundance and plenty…

(Top of Head) I choose to feel safe and successful right now….


“Even though I keep sabotaging myself I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.”

Negative phrase: repeat on every point.  “I keep sabotaging myself.”

Positive phrases:

(Eyebrow) I choose to accept how successful I am…

(Side of eye) I am releasing the need to sabotage myself….

(Under eye) I love feeling free of these old patterns…

(Under nose) I choose to embrace my success now….

(Chin Point) I choose to accept how successful I am…

(Collarbone) I’m happy I’ve released my sabotage habit…

(Under arm) I love feeling free of sabotage…

(Top of Head) I choose to own my success right now….


“Even though I can’t get out of my own way, I choose to release this conflict.”

Negative phrase: repeat at every point. “I can’t get out of my own way.”

Positive Phrases………….

(Eyebrow) I love knowing I resolved this conflict…

(Side of eye) I have successfully got out of my own way…………

(Under eye) I love being successful….

(Under nose) I intend to embrace the success that’s mine…

(Chin Point) I successfully resolved this conflict….

(Collarbone) I finally got out of my own way…

(Under arm) I love being successful…

(Top of Head) I intend to embrace all the success I deserve….


“Even though I feel guilty because I have more than others, I choose to feel good about myself.”

Negative phrases: repeat at every point. “I feel guilty because I have more than others.”

Positive Phrases………….

(Eyebrow) I choose to feel good about all that I have…

(Side of eye) I love feeling safe with what I have earned…………

(Under eye) I love feeling free of the guilt….

(Under nose) It’s so nice to appreciate all that I have…

(Chin Point) I’m happy to release the guilt….

(Collarbone) I finally feel safe with earning lots…

(Under arm) I love feeling free to earn a lot of money…

(Top of Head) I appreciate all that I have……….


“Even though I feel guilty because I want more….maybe I’m selfish….I choose to know that the Universe provides enough for everyone.”

Negative phrases: repeat at every point. “I feel guilty because I want more.”

Positive Phrases………….

(Eyebrow) I choose to know that living without helps no-one…

(Side of eye) I choose to remember that the Universe provides enough for everyone…………

(Under eye) I choose to remember that my success helps others to succeed….

(Under nose) I choose to pave the way for others success…

(Chin Point) I feel free to become successful….

(Collarbone) I choose to know that I can use my new success to help others…

(Under arm) I choose to be generous…

(Top of Head) I am grateful for all my desires……….


“Even though I feel guilty because of the advantages I have, I choose to resolve this guilt right now.”

Negative phrases: repeat at every point. “I feel guilty because of my advantages.”

Positive Phrases………….

(Eyebrow) I accept all of me…

(Side of eye) I love appreciating who I am…………

(Under eye) I appreciate my entire life….

(Under nose) I love feeling free of my conflicts…

(Chin Point) I embrace my advantages….

(Collarbone) I resolve this guilt right now…

(Under arm) I choose to accept myself just as I am…

(Top of Head) I am grateful for who I am……….


“Even though I’m afraid they’ll reject me if I become successful, I choose to know that they love me for who I am.”

Negative phrases: repeat at every point. “I’m afraid they might reject me.”

Positive Phrases………….

(Eyebrow) I choose to feel acceptable right now…

(Side of eye) I love accepting my success…………

(Under eye) I choose to release my need for their approval…

(Under nose) I appreciate who I am…

(Chin Point) I choose to feel acceptable inside myself….

(Collarbone) I love accepting my success even if they don’t…

(Under arm) I choose to release my need for their approval…

(Top of Head) I appreciate how worth I am……….

More beliefs to tap on:

REJECTING OTHERS:  I might reject them.

FEAR OF ENVY:  They might envy me.

STANDING OUT:  I’m afraid to stand out.

HUMILIATION: Last time I stood out I was humiliated.

FITTING IN: I might not fit in any more.

WHAT IF THEY THINK I’M GREEDY: My friends and family might think I’m greedy.

JEALOUSY: They might be jealous of me.

INADEQUACY:  I feel inadequate around people with money.

Maybe you are stuck in a particular comfort zone and it feels uncomfortable to step out of it.


“Even though I don’t believe I can make more money, I choose to release this block.”

Negative phrases: repeat at every point. “I don’t believe I can make more money.”

Positive Phrases………….

(Eyebrow) My belief has changed…

(Side of eye) I choose to believe I can make more money…………

(Under eye) I love feeling good earning a higher salary…

(Under nose) I love knowing I resolved this conflict…

(Chin Point) I’m already making more money….

(Collarbone) I feel so good now that I’ve resolved this conflict…

(Under arm) I choose to know I’m earning more money even though I don’t know how this is going to happen…

(Top of Head) I choose to accept earning a higher salary……….


“Even though I’m afraid to earn more money, I choose to release this block.”

Negative phrases: repeat at every point. “I’m afraid to earn more money.”

Positive Phrases………….

(Eyebrow) I feel safe earning more money

(Side of eye) I choose to know its right for me…………

(Under eye) I choose to trust myself…..

(Under nose) I choose to feel good earning more money…

(Chin Point) I know its right to make more….

(Collarbone) I feel so good now that I’ve resolved this conflict…

(Under arm) I choose to trust myself…

(Top of Head) I choose to feel good about earning more money…

COMFORT ZONE:  “Even though I’m limited by my comfort zone, I choose to step out right now.”

DESERVING:  “Even though I think I don’t deserve to have more money, I choose to feel deserving right now.”

NOT ENOUGH/SHORTAGES: Even though there’s not enough for everyone, I choose to believe in plenty.”,

MONEY WORRIES:  Even though I believe I should worry about money, I choose to be relaxed about money.”

RUNNING OUT:  Even though I believe money can run out, I choose to believe know in its unlimited supply.”

THERE WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH: Even though I believe there’s never enough, I choose to feel abundant right now.”

I DON’T BELIEVE IN PROSPERITY: Even though there was never enough for us, I choose to believe in prosperity today.”

BELIEF IN SCARCITY:  Even though I inherited this belief in scarcity from my family, I choose to release it right now.”

BLOCKS TO RECEIVING:  Even though I have this block to receiving, I choose to release it right now.”

Activating ‘The Law of Attraction’

MONEY ANXIETY: Even though I have this anxiety around money, I choose to be relaxed.”

MONEY DOESN’T COME EASILY:  Even though they told me money doesn’t come easily, I choose to release this fear right now.”

I CAN’T BE HAPPY UNTIL: Even though I believe I can’t be happy until I’m rich, I choose happiness right now.”

I CAN’T FEEL GOOD UNTIL: Even though I believe I can’t feel good until I’m rich, I choose to feel good right now.”

BELIEF IN POVERTY: Even though I have an inherited belief in poverty I choose to release it right now.”

YES, BUT:  Even though I’m not rich yet, I choose to expect abundance in my life.

NEXT STEP: EFT for Abundance

After doing a selection of choices start on affirmations:

Say out loud, “Abundance is coming into my life.”  Rate how true that sounds for you on a scale of 1 – 10 with 1 being, not true at all and 10 being absolutely true.  With a little practice you will be able to tell how true each statement sounds when you say it.

Then tap around the points without doing the set-up and starting with the eyebrow point. It is possible to repeat the same phrase over and over and it is also ok to vary the statements on each tapping point.  An example of this would be:

(Eyebrow) Abundance is coming into my life…..

(Side of eye) I feel it coming…………

(Under eye) I choose to believe it’s on its way…..

(Under nose) I choose to feel it coming…

(Chin Point) Even though I have no idea how its going to come I choose to believe it is….

(Collarbone) I choose to believe in abundance…

(Under arm) Abundance is coming into my life…..

(Top of Head) I choose to attract abundance…

After several rounds repeat the statement “Abundance is coming into my life,” again and see if your score has gone higher.  If it hasn’t you will have heard yourself saying some ‘yes buts’ and that’s great because now you know where your blockages are.  Stop at this point and tap on the ‘yes buts’ and then go back to the affirmations.

If the statement feels truer carry on until you get to the point where you feel positive and certain this is going to happen.  Remember if something feels true to you it will happen.

Keep on going, tapping away the old beliefs and tapping in the new choices every day and watch out for prosperity and abundance.

To Your Success,


Persistence will pay off and if you encounter difficulties along the way you might want to seek some help form an experienced EFT therapist.  I offer EFT by telephone and for more information visit my website

Christine is a member of the AAMET – Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Therapies