Hypnosis Pain Relief, Pain Relief Hypnosis
All Physical Problems Start Within The Mind……….
Your body follows your mind it’s true and instead of looking at physical pain and thinking it is outside of your control. Look on it instead as your body giving you a message.
Wherever there is pain there is tension and hypnosis can help the muscles to relax while guided visualisation can help the painful part to recover and heal.
A skilled body/mind therapist will help you to understand what needs to happen for the pain to dissolve. If you are in pain you will hold a visual representation of the painful area within your mind. Using tried and tested techniques your therapist can help you to change the visual representation so that the condition or pain can be released. The words you use about the pain or condition also affect and exacerbate the problem and changing your terminology is another skill you will learn that will allow your body to heal.
Using a unique blend of therapies can enable you to become pain free and you are only moments away from making that life changing decision to heal your life right now so that, ‘The Rest Of Your Life Can Be The Best Of Your Life.’
If you live too far away to benefit from Hypnosis Pain Relief why not consider working with on the phone using EFT which is just as effective as hypnotherapy. To find out more about telephone sessions and their effectiveness click here. [Contact]
Prepare to be amazed at how quickly you will see results.
I was hospitalised and on large doses of morphine for pain. The doctors told me they could do nothing apart from give me pain relief. My mother made me the appointment with Christine as she was so distressed to see the pain I was in. I was sceptical but willing to try anything. I was amazed. After one appointment I halved my dose the first evening as I was too scared to come off completely but by day two I was off the patches completely and pain free.
Whenever I felt the pain start to come on I took myself off to a quiet place and did what Christine told me to do. Withing minutes the pain subsided and I could carry on with life. My consultant was thrilled for me and so glad that I’d found a way to get off the medication.