Asking ‘What if’ Using the Tapping Technique
If you’ve ever used affirmations without a great deal of success it may be because the affirmation you were repeating was unbelievable to you and so your system was throwing it out all the time as a lie. There is an easy way to trick your belief system into accepting something that it would normally be thrown out and that is to use the EFT Tapping Technique while asking the question ‘What if.’
When you ask, ‘What if,‘ I passed my driving test or ‘What if’ I could reach my target weight by ………….. you bypass the guard at the gate of the subconscious mind? You aren’t making a statement or declaring to be something like you do when using affirmations but the subconscious is getting the message loud and clear anyway. Asking the question focuses the mind on the thing you’d love to achieve and because there is nothing to argue with you will begin heading in the direction of the thing you are focused upon.
Imagine using any of the following:
- “What if I could sleep soundly every night?”
- “What if I was asleep when my head touched the pillow and dead to the world till my alarm went off?”
- “What if I always arrived at work on time?”
- “What if I passed my exams with flying colors?”
- “What if my memory was getting better all the time?”
- “What if could remember names as well as I can remember faces?”
- “What if I could dance like a dream?”
- “What if my dancing came on by leaps and bounds?”
- “What if I could meet the man/woman of my dreams?”
Now you can write down some ‘What if’s’
- “What if……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………”
- “What if…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….”
- “What if…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….”
- “What if…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….”
- “What if…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….”
- “What if…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….”
- “What if…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….”
- “What if…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….”
- “What if…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….”
- “What if…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….”
- “What if…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….”
You are an energy being living in an energy Universe. You are constantly emitting energy and whatever you emit is returned to you or put another way, you get the results of your thinking. If you are angry, down, vengeful or full of doubt the energy that matches those feelings is being emitted from you like a beacon.
When you indulge in deliberate and positive ‘What if’ treatments you’ll immediately begin to feel uplifted. Positive ‘What if’s’ fill your mind full of positive energies create wonderful internal blueprints for your mind to work from. The best part of a positive ‘What if’ is its simplicity. You can indulge in a wonderful and uplifting bout of ‘What iffing’ on the bus, the train or the tube. You can ‘What if’ in the dentist or on a plane while surrounded by people.
Using the Tapping Technique to ‘What if’
Add ‘What if’s’ to EFT and you’ve got a double bonus of energetic change. The tapping points are below. There’s no need to do the set-up while doing this exercise, just tap around the meridian points repeating your ‘What If’s ‘as you go.
The Sequence…Tap about 7 times on each of the following energy points while repeating your commands/statements.
EB……Inside of eyebrow
SE……Side of eye
UE……Under eye
UN……Under nose
Ch……Delve of Chin
CB……Collar bone
UA……Under arm
Top of Head
The more frequently you do it the better and faster the result. Happy tapping!
Find out more about tapping here.