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EFT Promotes Healing

Is it true that EFT Promotes Healing?

EFT promotes healing

Giving loving attention to your pain by doing EFT can help to alleviate pain.  This can affect the actual healing of its underlying causes too. So, it can be true that EFT promotes healing

The reason this method works is because pain of any kind is the body’s way of telling you there’s something wrong.   The pain behaves much like a screaming baby wanting attention. If we try to ignore it, it will usually just yell even louder for the attention it wants.

When confronted with a screaming baby we all know it doesn’t help to hit the child or cream back at it.  If we can’t identify the child’s distress right away or we aren’t able to remove the cause we will intuitively seek to comfort the baby by giving it loving attention.

Surprisingly, this often works and the infant’s creams will often fade away as it realizes that its call for help has been heard and that someone is there giving it loving attention.  This same comforting, loving behaviour can be applied to any physical distress of our own that may be screaming for our attention.

Suppose for example that you are suffering from a severe headache and nothing you have done has helped it.  You may decide to provide comforting and loving attention using EFT to the painful area.

You could try this:

Tapping and Talking together can really help

“Even though my head screaming for my attention, I choose to let it know I love it, pain or no pain.”

Babies, heads, stomachs and any part of the body or mind wants to know that it is loved no matter what.  Loved with no strings attached and no demands made upon it to feel better or to go away and leave you alone.

Once it has your loving and totally accepting intention instead of your annoyance or anxious insistence that it go away or shut up the pain, like the crying baby will start to calm down at having received your unconditional acceptance.

When confronted with pain or acute physical distress of any kind an excellent way to handle it is like this:

“Even though I have this pain, I choose to give it my loving attention.”

Or “Even though I have this pain, I choose to hear its cry and give it love.”

Or “Even though I have this pain, I choose to recognize its cries for comfort and give that comfort with all my heart.”

The ways to formulate the statements are endless but the point is to understand the principle behind the statements.  You will be changing the whole dynamic from unacceptance and anger to acceptance and kindness.

Tap one round using the negative after each set-up phrase and one round using the new choice.

EFT Promotes Healing

Try this next time either you or someone you know is in pain.  It may be the best way you can help someone else to heal.

Christine Wesson

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