Improving Your Memory with EFT – Script
Before we start using EFT on your memory problem there are a few things you should be aware of.
Your bodily functions are under the direct control of your subconscious mind and your memory is one of your bodily functions. If left to its own devices your subconscious is capable of running your body and keeping it in optimum condition for ever.
Unfortunately deeper subconscious mind is susceptible to the suggestions it receives from the conscious part of your mind. Whenever you say, or think, about losing your memory or being forgetful the thought is sent as a message to the deeper part of your mind and a new program is being installed, the program of forgetfulness.
The more you focus on it by thinking and talking about it the more the program runs. In actual fact there is nothing wrong with your mind at all. It has the capacity to learn and retain all and any information as long as you live.
The trouble is that you, like everyone else, have probably been influenced by the race belief that at a certain age people become forgetful. If you are honest with yourself you’ll remember that you forgot things at age 16, at age 21, at age 35 and at age 46.
The difference between then and now is that when you were younger you didn’t put it down to age. You may have put it down to being busy, having too much to think about or many other innumerable reasons.
Then you reached a certain point in your life when you started to put forgetfulness down to age. As you focussed on not having the same mental capacity as before that became your reality.
Because that’s where your focus lies you are attracting more and more situations of forgetfulness into your life. The good news though is that this situation is easily changed by changing the way you talk and changing your beliefs about age related memory loss.
I’ve worked with many people with this problem in the past and I tell them the following story which often helps.
Imagine a person of your age 70 years ago. More than likely they would have lived in the same area, if not the same street, all their lives. Odds on they worked for the same company, doing the same job for all of their working life or, if female, were a housewife.
The amount of new people they came into contact with was, in all probability, minimal. Most of those they met daily had been known to them for many years.
There was no TV, no video, no telephones and no computers. In all likelihood they didn’t have a car. They had probably never been abroad or come into contact with any other language than their own.
They shopped at the corner shop for food where they knew the proprietor and all the other customers. It was possible to tell the day of the week by the food that was on the table.
Now bring yourself forward to this moment in time and think about what you have to learn and cope with in your modern world. You are constantly bombarded with new information on a daily basis. You have to drive, find your way to new places.
You have to learn all the new technology including mobile phones, computers, TV and video. You are constantly meeting new people. Then there’s the constantly changing legislation, even if it’s just about the latest rules on wheelie bins and what you can and can’t put in them.
When you go shopping you are presented with an array of food choices that would make the housewife of the 1950’s faint with overwhelm yet you cope marvellously.
The world around you is constantly changing, it’s moving faster and faster all the time and you are keeping up aren’t you? Yes I know there are things you can’t do yet but that’s because you either aren’t interested or haven’t applied yourself.
Your memory, far from being bad, is actually fantastic. It has an unlimited capacity for learning and retention and all you have to do is allow it to do ‘It’s’ job.
Yes it’s true, your memory is unlimited and it will grow and retain information according to whatever you tell it. Start telling yourself now that your memory is getting better and better every day.
Tell yourself daily that you have an unlimited capacity for remembering things. After doing some rounds of EFT I’ll give you some affirmations to tap in on a daily basis. All you need to do is spend 10 minutes a day for a week or two and you will find your memory improves immensely.
We’re going to start off by doing a couple of rounds of EFT to reduce the emotional charge produced in your body every time you think of your memory loss.
Say the following phrase. “My short term memory is terrible.” (If this is not your usual way to describe your (apparently) failing memory please substitute the word ‘terrible,’ for the word or phrase you do use.)
For example:
- “My short term memory is crap.”
- “My short term memory is bloody awful.”
- “My short term memory is horrendous.”
- “My short term memory is getting worse.”
Say the phrase out loud and then rate on a scale of 0 – 10 how true that statement feels for you. 0 means not true at all and 10 would equal very true.
Make a note of the score either mentally or written down.
Say this statement three times whilst tapping continuously on the Karate Chop Point.
- “Even though I believe my short term memory is (put your own way of describing it here), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
EB (Eye Brow Point)…….”It’s getting worse.”
SE (Side of Eye)……”Can’t remember things.”
UE (Under Eye)…… “I can’t seem to retain anything anymore.”
UN (Under Nose)……”Nothing seems to stick any more.”
UL (Under Lip)……”This memory problem.”
CB (Collar Bone Point)……”I’m sooooo forgetful.”
UA (Under Arm)…….”Why can’t I remember things any more.”
TH (Top of Head)……”It’s so frustrating.”
Now take a long deep breath and relax. Say the phrase out loud again, “My short term memory is…………” and check to see how true it feels now on a scale of 0 – 10.
You should have gotten a reduction at this point so let’s start on round two. Once again repeat the following phrase three times while tapping on the Karate Chop point.
- “Even though I have this remaining belief my short term memory is (put your own way of describing it here), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
EB (Eye Brow Point)…….”This remaining belief.”
SE (Side of Eye)……”This remaining belief I can’t remember things.”
UE (Under Eye)…… “This remaining belief I can’t seem to retain anything.”
UN (Under Nose)……” This remaining belief that nothing sticks.”
UL (Under Lip)……” This remaining belief.”
CB (Collar Bone Point)……” This remaining belief I’m so forgetful.”
UA (Under Arm)…….” This remaining belief.”
TH (Top of Head)……”This remaining frustration.”
Now take a long deep breath and relax. Say the phrase out loud again, “My short term memory is…………” and check to see how true it feels now on a scale of 0 – 10.
Again there should be a reduction so now we’ll perform a couple of rounds of ‘Choices.’
Notice I have given you three different statements for your choices round. Repeat them one after the other while tapping on the Karate Chop Point.
- “Even though I’ve been talking myself into having a bad memory, I choose to realise that I have a great memory.”
- “Even though I’ve been bringing it on myself, I choose to amaze myself by how quickly I can change it all around.”
- “Even though I’ve been focussing on having a bad memory, I choose to change the focus of my thought onto absolutely brilliant memory.”
Now tap once around the sequence using a negative reminder phrase.
EB (Eye Brow Point)…….”I’ve talked myself into it.”
SE (Side of Eye)……”I’ve been bringing it on myself.”
UE (Under Eye)…… “I’ve been focussing on memory loss.”
UN (Under Nose)……”This bad memory.”
UL (Under Lip)……”This self sabotage.”
CB (Collar Bone Point)……”Managed to talk me into it.”
UA (Under Arm)…….”This memory problem.”
TH (Top of Head)……”This belief.”
Now take a deep breath and relax. Then start on another sequence again beginning with the eyebrow point but this time tapping in the new choice.
NOTE: Your body and mind responds not just to the words you use but the intention behind the words. Put as much energy into these words as possible. Say them as if you really mean them and put emphasis on the words in bold.
EB (Eye Brow Point)…….”What if it was really easy to change?”
SE (Side of Eye)……”What if I was amazed at how easy it was?”
UE (Under Eye)…… “I’ve got a great memory.”
UN (Under Nose)……”What if I really believed I have a great memory?”
UL (Under Lip)……”What if I focussed on my memory getting better every day?
CB (Collar Bone Point)……”Wouldn’t that be good?”
UA (Under Arm)…….”I could have my memory improve.”
TH (Top of Head)……”I’m willing to believe it’s true.”
Now take a deep breath and relax. Notice how much better you feel already as you’ve filled your mind with the positive. Now we’ll start on the second round of ‘Choices.’
Once again, repeat the following three phrases one after the other while tapping on the Karate Chop Point.
- “Even though I’ve believed my memory loss is inevitable, I choose to know that my mind is under my control.”
- “Even though I’ve put my memory loss down to age, I choose to feel triumphant at how easy it is to change.”
- “Even though I’ve been focussing on having a bad memory, I choose to know that my mind follows my focus in every moment of time so my memory improves with every round of EFT.”
Now tap once around the sequence using a negative reminder phrase.
EB (Eye Brow Point)…….”This old race belief.”
SE (Side of Eye)……”This out of date race belief.”
UE (Under Eye)…… “This old focus on memory loss.”
UN (Under Nose)……”This out of date belief.”
UL (Under Lip)……”This self sabotage.”
CB (Collar Bone Point)……”This belief in inevitability.”
UA (Under Arm)…….”This age problem.”
TH (Top of Head)……”This belief.”
Now take a deep breath and relax. Then start on another sequence again beginning with the eyebrow point but this time tapping in the new choice.
EB (Eye Brow Point)…….”My mind is under my control?”
SE (Side of Eye)……”I’m preparing myself to be amazed?”
UE (Under Eye)…… “I’m focussing on having a good memory.”
UN (Under Nose)……”I choose good memory?”
UL (Under Lip)……”I choose to feel triumphant?
CB (Collar Bone Point)……”Wouldn’t that be good?”
UA (Under Arm)…….”My memory’s getting better and better every day.”
TH (Top of Head)……”I’m willing to believe it’s true.”
Feeling better? I’m sure you are, especially if you’ve been repeating the statements with feeling and gusto.
Now it’s time to tap in some affirmations as mentioned earlier. When tapping in your new affirmations there is no need to perform the set-up. You simply start tapping the sequence, starting on the eyebrow point as usual.
Before you start though I’d like you to repeat the following statement, “I have an absolutely brilliant memory.” Say it with as much feeling as you can and then rate it on a scale of 0 – 10 with how believable it sounds to you.
This time we are going to turn the scale on its head with 0 being no belief at all and 10 being total committed belief. Take a rating of where you are right now on the scale before you start as we are going to get that belief to become a truth for you.
When you first say the affirmation it may sound less than true to you but that’s ok. What happens when you make an untrue statement is, your body’s energy system disrupts as your body recognises the lie.
This is how lie detector tests work. They pick up the energy disruption in the body that occurs when the lie is told. If your statement “I have an absolutely brilliant memory,” is an obvious untruth at this moment in time your energy system will disrupt and tapping with EFT will straighten out the disruption.
As you carry on saying the affirmations and tapping at the same time you will believe that statement more and more. Once it’s been tapped in and installed as a new belief it’s yours for life or until you want to override it by re-activating your forgetfulness program again. The choice is always yours.
EB (Eye Brow Point)…..“I have an absolutely brilliant memory,”.”
SE (Side of Eye)……“I have an absolutely brilliant memory.”
UE (Under Eye)…… “My focus has changed.”
UN (Under Nose)……”I choose good memory?”
UL (Under Lip)……”I congratulate myself on having an unlimited memory.”
CB (Collar Bone Point)……“My memory is absolutely brilliant,”
UA (Under Arm)…….”Universal Mind is unlimited therefore my mind is unlimited too.”
TH (Top of Head)……”I take back my spiritual power.”
Now take a long deep breath and repeat the statement again, “I have an absolutely brilliant memory.” Sounds more true now doesn’t it?
There is no need to stop tapping after one round of affirmations and I suggest you carry on for two or even three rounds using as much positive energy as you can as you tap and checking your statement after each round.
EB (Eye Brow Point)…….”I tell myself to remember things daily.”
SE (Side of Eye)……..“I have an absolutely brilliant memory,”
UE (Under Eye)…… “My mind is under my control.”
UN (Under Nose)……”I’m in control.”
UL (Under Lip)……“I have an absolutely brilliant memory.”
CB (Collar Bone Point)……”I am in charge of my mind.”
UA (Under Arm)…….”I remember to tell myself to remember.”
TH (Top of Head)……”I’m taking control and my memory is absolutely brilliant.”
Take a long deep breath and repeat the original statement “I have an absolutely brilliant memory,” and notice how much more true it sounds.
And again……………………………….
EB (Eye Brow Point)…….”I’ve got an unlimited capacity for remembering.”
SE (Side of Eye)……”I amaze myself with my capacity for remembering.”
UE (Under Eye)…… “I have an absolutely brilliant memory.”
UN (Under Nose)……”My memory improves every day.”
UL (Under Lip)……”Every day, in every way my memory improves.”
CB (Collar Bone Point)…… “I have an absolutely brilliant memory.”
UA (Under Arm)…….”My memory is brilliant.”
TH (Top of Head)……”My memory is absolutely brilliant.”
You can carry on doing this, even going back over the previous statements if needed until you can hear the new confidence in your voice.
It is true that your deeper mind is listening to everything you say and is following your instructions to the letter. However, instead of receiving the words you speak it gets ‘It’s’ directions from the pictures your words create.
Consciously you may feel there is no difference between the following sets of statements:
- “I hope I don’t forget to phone.”
- “I don’t want to forget my appointment.”
- “Mustn’t forget to do that.”
- “Don’t forget to get the milk while you’re out!”
- “I’ll remember to make that phone call.”
- “How can I remember this.”
- “I’ll remember this appointment.”
- “I’ll remember to get that when I go down town.”
- “Remember to get the milk while you’re out!”
You may be in the habit of telling yourself not to forget and yet your mind cannot understand negatives. Telling yourself not to forget something is in actual fact instructing your mind to do just that, forget.
If you want to remember something tell yourself to remember it. Change the way you speak. When you hear yourself using the word forget stop and change your statement around.
If you have a problem with remembering names tell yourself you will remember them. How many people have you met who’ve told you, “Oh I’m terrible at remembering names.” I used to be one of those people until I started giving myself new instructions and now I remember names much more easily.
If you have to sit down to read or learn something set an intention before you start. Say, “My intention is to really concentrate on what I’m reading, watching or learning and I’m going to take it all in, remember everything and it’s going to be easy.” Tap a few rounds of EFT affirmations before you start.
EB (Eye Brow Point)…….”I am intending to understanding this…………”
SE (Side of Eye)……”I intend to amaze myself with how easily it all makes sense.”
UE (Under Eye)…… “My intention is to stay cool calm and collected so my mind works at its highest capacity.”
UN (Under Nose)……”I’m intending to relax, enjoy this and stay calm.”
UL (Under Lip)……”I’m feeling soooo much better and calmer now.”
CB (Collar Bone Point)……”I intend to have the capacity.”
UA (Under Arm)…….”I’ve told myself to remember so I will.”
TH (Top of Head)……”I remember to congratulate myself on my improved memory capacity.”
EB (Eye Brow Point)…….”The more I notice the improvements the more they grow.”
SE (Side of Eye)……”I intend to notice every little improvement.”
UE (Under Eye)…… “I choose to be amazed at the improvement today.”
UN (Under Nose)……”I’m understanding things.”
UL (Under Lip)……”I’m retaining so much more information.”
CB (Collar Bone Point)……”I don’t know how it’s happening, I only know it is.”
UA (Under Arm)…….”My mind is so wonderful.”
TH (Top of Head)……”I remember to congratulate myself on my improved memory capacity.”
I tested out the script and it takes less than 10 minutes to do. Use it every day for a week and your memory will have improved so much you will be truly amazed.
Please let me know how you get on as your feedback will be most helpful.
To Your Success, Christine