You Can Learn How To Change Reality
Have you wondered how to change reality and whether it is even possible to do so? Did you know that changing your mood will change your reality and were you aware that you could change your mood at will?
The majority of people wait until something good happens to them before they allow themselves to feel happy or to get into a good mood. Unfortunately this is living life the wrong way round because this is an energy Universe; it acts towards us according to our thoughts, which in turn create our moods or feelings. Being in a bad mood will inevitably and unfailingly attract more things to feel bad about.
The angry person always has plenty of things to be angry about and the stressed person’s life is filled with stressful situations. Conversely, the happy person, the one who whistles a happy tune as they work or sings an uplifting song attracts good things towards them. Instead of waiting for something good to make you happy, be happy and then something good will come along to make you happier.
Some people don’t even know what makes them unhappy, they’ve been unhappy or grumpy for so long that it’s become an ingrained habit. Those people always have plenty to be grumpy about as the only thing they can attract are the things that irritate them and make them unhappier than ever.
The majority of miserable, angry or stressed people blame other people or circumstances for making them feel bad whereas the blame lies squarely with them. It’s not people or circumstances that make a person grumpy; it’s the grumpy person’s interpretation of events that causes their bad mood.
In other words, your moods are created by your own self-talk. It’s the story you tell you that makes you in a good mood or a bad mood. So You do know how to change reality because you do it all the time. If you spend a lot of time thinking of all the problems in your life; life will get worse and you’ll feel bad in some way. Self-talk can create any mood at all from the suicidal to the sublime and the choice is always yours. Yet, maybe you’ve spent so long thinking negative thoughts and feeling bad that you don’t know how to start thinking good thoughts.
Happiness is energy and so is abundance; that’s why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It doesn’t matter how much you ‘want’ to be rich or happy or in love or lucky, unless you can vibrate to the energy of those things they will always evade you. That’s why there’s no point in waiting for something good to happen; for luck or love to knock on your door, because it won’t happen unless you resonate to the energy of happiness, joy or harmony first.
The man who’s wins on the horses isn’t just lucky or good at studying form, although he may be both of those things, he’s in the mood for winning; he feels lucky and his feeling, his mood, makes him a winner. Most of us may wait until we won to feel as if it’s our lucky day but that’s not how this energy Universe works.
A lady I spoke to recently told me her son had suffered from a long and potentially fatal illness. He made a full recovery and she told me, “I just knew he would get better, all along, I felt it.” She lived with a mood of optimism and she was rewarded with the result of her thinking. This mother didn’t wait until her son recovered till she felt optimistic she felt optimism first.
So before you can have any of the things that will make you happy and turn you from a stressed or harassed person into a successful, happy one, you have to resonate at the energy of the thing you would love to have. But how can you do that when you haven’t got the things you desire; the things that will make you happy or healthy or relaxed, at peace or excited? Well, strange as it may seem, there is a version of ‘YOU’ who already knows how to think positively and this ‘YOU’ is the most positively happy and successful person you could possibly imagine.
Your Alternate Self/Selves
Imagine a version of ‘YOU’ who’s level of happiness and success was so amazing it would take your breath away! Imagine a version of ‘YOU’ enjoying full health and vitality! Visualize a version of ‘YOU’ who was living a life of abundance; an abundance of success, of joy, of love, of good luck, of financial plenty and every other good thing you could imagine! Picture a version of ‘YOU’ living the life you would love to live, with the kind of lifestyle that would make you happy and content or ecstatically happy and excited or imagine a version of ‘YOU’ with a slim body.
According to Quantum Physics those versions of you actually exist. Quantum Physics is a relatively new branch of science that is discovering some pretty amazing things about the Universe we live in and one of the things they have discovered is; we are not alone, the Universe we live consists of many worlds, the majority of which exist alongside the one you live in right now.
Mystics have long believed and taught that even death does not exist in the way most of us understand it. Their beliefs and teachings have always stated that, while the body is sloughed off during the death experience the spiritual part or soul of each person carries on living in another dimension. This dimension vibrates at a much higher rate than ours and in the same way we cannot hear a dog whistle, although a dog can hear it plainly, we can no longer perceive the deceased person with our physical senses which are attuned to this physical Universe.
So perhaps our deceased relatives and friends live among us still, who knows? Scientists as far back as Albert Einstein and beyond have talked of multiple realities and parallel Universes and there are some who say that every time you made a decision that took you in another direction from the one you were heading, the decision and new direction created another parallel Universe, leaving an alternate, ‘YOU’ in one reality and another alternate ‘YOU’ in another. Imagine then how many alternate versions of ‘YOU’ have the potential to exist?
How Many Versions of ‘YOU’ exist?
The amount of alternative Universes, filled with alternative versions of ‘You’ are endless. There’s a ‘YOU’ in existence that hasn’t made any bad choices or taken on any negative beliefs. A version of ‘YOU’ who is still living with all the attributes you were born with; confidence, tenacity, adventurousness, self-acceptance and self-belief, a you who’s faith has never been dented or knocked, a you who’s pride has never been hurt; a you who has never tasted failure. Imagine that!
There’s a version of you who can paint or draw and another who can dance or sing. There’s a version of you who retained her slim and healthy body and eating habits from birth. Wow, wouldn’t you like to meet that or even those versions of you? Imagine being able to feel the way they feel! Imagine being able to visit those versions of you and feel their feelings and their moods and bring them back into this reality with you! Would that be amazing?
You could choose to visit a reality where an alternate version of you is 100% healthy and fit. You could choose a reality where an alter ego enjoys the most amazing life with an abundance of all good things. You could visit a reality where a version of you has a wonderful family life with amazing children. Imagine how good it would be to get advice from your alternate self and find out how they maintain good family relationships and live with happy well-adjusted children.
You could discover in minutes what could otherwise take years of therapy to discover, that’s if you could afford it. Happy people think in certain ways; you could discover their secrets and because the advice comes from another version of you, you can know for certain that what they do and the way they do it, is a possibility for you too. How amazing would that be? Think of the things you could achieve if you were in possession of a method of visiting your alternate selves! Think of the things you could achieve!
And now you can visit your alternate selves and get advice. You can merge with them in their reality and bring their moods back with you and when you begin to resonate to their feelings and think the thoughts that create their successful mind-set you’ll begin to live their life, right here and right now.
How To Change Reality With A Mood Changing Hypnosis Audio
You can do it all when you purchase this mood changing hypnosis audio that will guide you through a process to enable you to visit your alternative selves in parallel Universes. You will be able to bring back advice and guided as you embody the feelings and moods of your succesful or happy alternative selves and bring them back with you into this reality.
It’s easy to do; your mood will change immediately and you can use the audio over and over and visit as many alternate Universes as you wish. We believe that diligent use of this amazing mood changing process can help you to achieve goals that may have been eluding you. We believe that this could be the missing part to ‘The Secret’ the method that so many people have tried and not succeeded with, because feelings are the key.
You will be shown how to change reality and taken step by step through a process that will give you the key to change. The way you feel creates your world, your health and your life! There’s no getting away from that fact, you’ll got to feel it to achieve it.
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